• No 1 Quality Education
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Central Library

Welcome to Central Library

The Central Library, is one of the central support services of Institutions. The Central library is well equipped with modern facilities and resources in the form of CD-ROM, On-line databases, e-journals, e-books, audio video cassettes, books, journals, project reports etc. Links from the home page will direct you to information on library policies, hours, collections and services. The mission of the Central library is to provide information services and access to bibliographical and full text digital and printed resources to support the scholarly and informational needs of the university user community.

  • To provide effective, responsive and innovative services.
  • To utilize library and information technology in an innovative and appropriate manner
  • To develop and maintain adequate and necessary infrastructure to provide and deliver information services.
  • To support and enhance teaching and learning processes by delivering and promoting the effective use of information resources.
  • To provide an information environment that supports and encourages excellence in research scholars.
  • To maintain the good reputation of the Institution through excellence in library services, collaboration with other organization and staff contribution to the user community.

To provide excellent information resources and deliver quality services and facilities to meet the research, teaching and learning needs of the Institution.

Rules and Regulations

  • Silence is to be strictly observed in the library. Readers should not talk or discuss as they may disturb other readers. Reading halls are meant for individual study and research only.
  • Use of Mobile phones is not permitted inside the library. Readers are not allowed to bring their personal books or any other printed materials inside the library.
  • The library is under surveillance with the aid of cctv-video cameras. The students are asked to scan their ID while entering and exit of the library.
  • The library accepts, donations of Manuscripts, books, and journals etc., which are found useful to the students.
  • The library is provided with a Photocopying machine to enable the students to get copies of reading materials from the library on payment basis. However, photocopying of materials from sources other than what is available in the library is not allowed.
  • Books removed from the shelves, if not required further, should be kept on the reading table. Please do not try to shelves them yourself. Please remember that a book misplaced is a book lost.
  • Readers should not scribble on table tops or damage them clutter the table with heaps of books and other reading materials.
  • Newspapers & Magazines should be folded properly after reading and kept back in the designated place.
  • Personal belongings like Bag, Laptop etc., should be deposited at the property counter at the entrance of the library. Readers are advised not to leave their valuable items like money, passport, credit card and gold chain etc., at the property counter.
  • The library shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of the personal belongings of the users
  • Eatables, soft drinks, printed materials are not allowed inside the library. Only one note book is allowed to take notes.
  • Marking scratching, damaging, mutilating, stealing, library materials will invite disciplinary action against the defaulters.
  • Readers should not carry books from one floor to another and should leave the books on the reading table after consulting.
  • The librarian reserves the right to suspend the membership of any member found misbehaving inside the library.


Bar code system has been implemented, students can borrow books by producing ID cards.

  • Under Graduate I year: 3 books per student
  • II and III year : 3 books per student
  • IV year : 4 books per student
  • Post Graduate : 5 books per student
  • MPhil /PhD : 6 books per student


  • Books transaction hours are between 9.30 am to 7.00 pm. Books may be returned on all working days. Absence from the university shall not be an excuse for any delay in returning the books. The books due on a holidays should be returned the next morning and no fine will be collected.
  • Books Borrowed should be protected from Rain, Dust and insect etc. Borrowing journals/reference books/thesis from the library is not permitted.
  • Books will be lent to students only for a period of 15 days. The (final semester) student both UG and PG should return the books to the library for obtaining “No Dues” certificate before their final exam.

Over dues

  • Borrowers are expected to return the books on or before the due date stamped on the issue label. Books returned after the due date will be charged an overdue charge of Rs.1 per day.
  • Books returned shall not be reissued to the same person on the same day of return. Damaged books shall not be accepted and if anyone is found doing so they are asked to replace with latest edition.
  • In case of any loss of a book by any student, three times the cost of the book will be recovered or the book may be replaced with the latest edition.

Use of Computers/Laptops

  • Computers in the library should be used for academic purposes only. Online chatting/dating, browsing of social networking sites is strictly prohibited. Strict disciplinary action will be taken against the defaulters.
  • Playing games and seeing unwanted videos on computers is strictly prohibited in the entire library.
  • Readers must carry their ID card while using the Digital Library. They must show their ID card on demand.
  • Changing the settings and display of the computers kept in the Library is not permitted.
  • Use of laptops in the cubical systems where computers are already installed is not permitted
  • Readers should not remove/unplug computer cables/connections, network cables and other peripherals/accessories in the library.
  • Personal keyboards, mouse, etc. are not allowed inside the library. Students must take care of their pen drives, CD/DVD ROMs, mobiles and wallets etc.